Dr Fiona JamesHugo is looking great with his electrodes in place.Hugo looking stylish in his EEG bandage.Maybee brought a feline friend to her study appointment!Logan was such a good boy for his appointment!Placing the electrodes properly is so important. Haidee is showing off a perfect placement by Dr Ukai (MSc Student).Haidee was a superstar for her study EEG with graduate student Dr Masa Ukai (MSc).Dakota had lots of snuggles with graduate student Emily (MSc) during her EEG recording.Max – what a cutie with his EEG bandage!Miya – this beautiful girl snoozed during her entire study appointment!Moose – a true gentle giant!Odo and his mom hung out with our team for his study appointment – we are so grateful for their participation!Dr Fiona James and Grace (MSc Student) review MRI brain scans together.Pepsi was such a good boy for his electrode placement with graduate student Charly (PhD)Toby – our team and the hospital staff were in love with his fluffy ears!Pepsi was a complete goofball and brought a smile to everyone’s face during his study appointment with graduate student Charly (PhD).Toby and Charly (PhD student) could not get enough snuggles at his study appointment.Raven brought her favorite toy to her study appointment with graduate student Emily (MSc).Raven was the first patient in graduate student Emily’s (MSc) EEG behaviour study!Bentley – such a sweetheart!Rico looking handsome in his EEG bandage.This is an EEG of a sleeping dog with no epileptic activity..This is an EEG of a dog moving around and turning its head.